September 4, 2023

When our Director General or team steps out to engage with various Government Ministers or Ministry representatives, it’s not just a routine affair—it’s a strategic endeavour aimed at reinforcing our pivotal auxiliary role within the humanitarian sphere.

At the heart of our mission lies the concept of the “auxiliary role,” a concept whose importance cannot be overstated.

But what does this term mean, and why is it so crucial for the communities we serve?

At its core, the auxiliary role in the humanitarian space signifies that FRCS stands as a supportive force, working hand in hand with the government and other key stakeholders. We complement the efforts of official bodies, extending our reach into areas and situations where immediate assistance is paramount. This auxiliary status, recognized by the Geneva Conventions, bestows upon us a unique responsibility and privilege—to be a dedicated partner in times of crisis.

Why Our Auxiliary Role Matters:

First Responders in Times of Crisis: As first responders, we at FRCS are often among the first on the scene when disaster strikes. Our swift and organized response can mean the difference between life and death, ensuring immediate relief and support for affected communities.

Community-Centric Approach: We pride ourselves on understanding the nuances of the communities we serve. Our auxiliary role empowers us to tailor our responses to the specific needs and cultural sensitivities of these communities. This personalized approach fosters trust and ensures that our assistance is not only impactful but also culturally sensitive.

Comprehensive Disaster Preparedness: Through partnerships and collaboration with government agencies like the National Disaster Management Office, we go above and beyond to enhance the nation’s disaster preparedness. We work tirelessly to equip communities with the knowledge and tools they need to weather any storm.

Sustained Support and Recovery: Our auxiliary status extends far beyond the immediate aftermath of disasters. We remain steadfastly committed to supporting communities throughout the recovery phase, playing a pivotal role in rebuilding lives and livelihoods.

Advocacy for Vulnerable Populations: As fierce advocates for the most vulnerable, we shine a spotlight on the needs of marginalized groups, ensuring that their voices are not only heard but amplified, and their rights are fiercely protected.

Education and Training: Empowering individuals and communities with life-saving skills is a key aspect of our role. Through various education and training programs, we promote resilience and self-sufficiency within communities.

What Our Auxiliary Role Means for the Communities We Serve:

For the communities we serve, FRCS’s auxiliary role signifies:

  • A Beacon of Security in the Face of Uncertainty: These communities find solace in the knowledge that a dedicated, experienced organization stands ready to assist them in times of emergencies.
  • Empowerment and Self-Reliance: Our presence fosters self-reliance and community empowerment. We provide communities with the tools and knowledge necessary to face challenges head-on.
  • Access to Vital Services, Even in Remote Areas: Through our partnership with Government, we can work towards reaching the most vulnerable corners, ensuring that even the most marginalized communities have access to essential services.
  • A Champion for Their Concerns: We are a megaphone for their needs and concerns, ensuring that these communities are not forgotten during times of disasters or crises.

The auxiliary role of the Fiji Red Cross Society is not merely a designation; it’s a profound commitment to the well-being of the communities we serve. It signifies hope, resilience, and the promise of a brighter, safer future.


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