January 27, 2021

Our response

Fiji Red Cross Society (FRCS) continues to work in support of Government efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, through messaging and assistance in local communities in its initial COVID-19 operational phases, and just recently in Vaccine registration support in communities and major Urban centers across the country. Advocacy, awareness and support are at the fore of  FRCS’ COVID-19 operations, ensuring individuals are aware of the precautionary measures they need to take to keep themselves safe. This, being done, in consideration of the safety of Staff and volunteers as well, during response and operational activities on the ground.

To date FRCS has reached a total population of 36,848 across 212 communities, for its First and Second phase support and 28,563 in its support to the Ministry of Health & Medical Services through Vaccine registration assistance and distribution of Pulse Oximeters. This also in partnership with District level health authorities, whilst monitoring and evaluating the current national situation and developing approaches and measures for response activities accordingly. As first responders, FRCS is committed to doing the best it can to support Fiji’s national stand against the COVID-19.

What can you do?

To assist in the work that we do, we urge the general public to abide by the national COVID-19 precautionary measures. By keeping yourself safe – you help in keeping Fiji safe.

To support FRCS COVID-19 response, please feel free to contact us on and on 9992505/3314133.