August 29, 2023

A remarkable journey unfolded at the 8th Humanitarian Conference in Singapore, leaving us with valuable takeaways and newfound perspectives. Amidst esteemed panelists, Nete Logavatu, our Resilience Coordinator from the Fiji Red Cross Society, stood tall as an advocate of impactful change.

This gathering illuminated achievements, challenges, and best practices from various National Societies, offering a platform for cross-learning and collaboration.

Nete’s presence on this distinguished panel was an honour. As discussions echoed achievements and pathways forward, the resonance was palpable. One highlight was the resounding message from the Singapore Secretary General about transforming mindsets to empower communities. This powerful insight resonated deeply, reinforcing our collective commitment to building stronger, more resilient societies.

Engaging with resilience champions at the conference was an inspiring experience for Nete. From this encounter, Nete returns to Fiji armed with newfound insights, poised to strengthen our mission of fostering resilience. The spotlight shone on Fiji’s community resilience endeavours, showcasing the effective partnerships we have cultivated.

Delving into the specifics, the remarkable case study of Vio Island underscored our strides in sanitation and improved water accessibility. This impactful illustration demonstrated our commitment to tangibly enhancing communities’ quality of life.

Meeting with Ms. Grace Fu, Singapore’s Minister of Sustainability and Environment, marked a pivotal moment. The Singaporean government’s proactive stance in Climate Mitigation is commendable. This contrasts with instances where external organizations lead while governments follow suit. Minister Grace Fu emphasized the Singapore Red Cross’s role as a critical stakeholder, supporting the government’s pivotal initiatives.

As Nete engaged with fellow participants, a distinctive facet of Singapore’s approach emerged—centered around elderly communities. Their comprehensive support initiatives, including Psychosocial Support, Para Medics, Companionship, and Restoring Family Links, offered a unique perspective.

Singapore’s Resilience Program introduced ingenious Home Kits, integrating motion detectors and panic buttons to ensure swift assistance for isolated individuals. This innovation exemplifies proactive support for those in need.

Nete’s resounding message, “Change in mindset leads to resolving community issues,” reverberated throughout the conference. This sentiment encapsulates our shared dedication to empowering communities from within.

The 8th Humanitarian Conference illuminated a path forward—one that celebrates collaboration, innovative solutions, and a collective determination to nurture resilience in every corner of our world.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Ms Luisa Turaga
Communications Coordinator
+679 9987949

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