Relief Efforts Continue in the Northern Western and Eastern division.

December 21, 2020

The Fiji Red Cross emergency response team continues to co-ordinate and deploy teams out in the North, the Eastern and Western division.

According to the Fiji NDMO, the country has 183 evacuation centres open with a total of 7731 evacuees.  The Central division has one evacuation centre open with a total of 8 evacuees.  The Eastern division have 20 evacuation centres open with 377 evacuees. The Western division have 29 centres open with 1033 evacuees with the North having the most, a total of 63331 evacuees in 133 centres.

With the damaging Category 5 winds of Tropical Cyclone Yasa, most communities in the North, particularly in the Bua province and smaller outer islands are without homes and with limited access to clean, running water.  The Fiji Red Cross is working closely with the Fijian government and its partners to ensure these communities are reached as soon as possible.

The Fiji Red Cross Division Manager Central/Eastern, Jekope Rabaleinatosia was also part of the team that conducted an aerial sweep of the Lau islands yesterday that was facilitated by the Fijian Government.

Emergency response teams are being organized to travel to the islands of Yadua, Kia and Lakeba.  These teams are expected to depart tonight, with the support of Lifelight who are providing two super yachts for transport and to carry relief supplies.

The Northern teams have also reached a number of villages and settlements in the Seaqaqa area to distribute relief supplies, all of whom are still without electricity when this  release was prepared.  Our branches in and around Savusavu, Taveuni and Rabi are facing challenges with communication as the mobile networks are still down.  However, teams have been deployed on the ground for assessment and distribution of relief supplies to Savarekareka, Ketei village, Navure settlement, Savudrodro and Yaroi village.

The Lautoka Branch President, Mr. Panapasa Tilley, is also part of the emergency response team deployed to Yasawa yesterday, along with the government ministries and other partners.  These teams began their assessment with Teci village and have begun distributing non-food relief supplies in these communities.

The national branch continues to monitor movement and collaborate with our partners to minimize duplication, but most importantly to ensure that affected communities receive relief supplies as soon as possible and that relief efforts continue.

The Fiji Red Cross Society wishes to thank its volunteers, donors and partners that are assisting in this relief effort,  in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Yasa.

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