Car Kit

February 3, 2021

Product Description:  The car safety kit contains first aid items to treat common injuries. The kit is designed to fit in the glove compartment of all vehicles. The kit enables drivers and passengers to provide first aid treatment to a number of injuries you may encounter on the road. This is an assurance that even when you are moving around, you are safe and the kit is easily accessible. This kit is ideal for use in commercial and fleet vehicles as well as private cars.

Price: $40.00 FJD

 Product Specifications:

  • 1 x Surgical Tape (13mm x 9mm)
  • 5 Pieces Alcohol Swabs
  • 1 x Elastic Crepe (50mm x 4m)
  • 1 x Eye Pad (7.5 x 6)
  • 5 Pieces Gauze Swabs 8 Ply (5cm x 5cm)
  • 1 Pair Latex Gloves
  • 5 x Plastic Strips Band-Aid
  • 5 x Safety Pins (#1 – 33mm)
  • 1 x Saline Solution (30ml)
  • 1 x Savlon Cream (30g)
  • 1 Pair of First Aid Scissors
  • 1 x Triangular Bandage (110 x 110 x 155)
  • 1 x Tweezer (12.5cm)
  • 1 x Wound Dressing #13 Small

Place your order or forward your queries to us on or call us on 331 4133 (ext. 135)

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