Industrial Kit

February 3, 2021

Product Description:  The Industrial First Aid Kit is suitable for a wide variety of industries. These kits are designed not only to keep employees safe, but it also helps your organisation to remain compliant with safety regulations. It helps to uphold the standards that promote a healthy working condition in any organisation. Mostly used by construction companies and those where the employees are engaged in physical labour.

Price: $210.00 FJD

Product Specifications:

  • 1 x Surgical Tape (50mm x 9mm)
  • 1 Packet – Alcohol Swabs (100s)
  • 4 x Elastic Crepe (50mm x 4m)
  • 4 x Elastic Crepe (75mm x 4m)
  • 5 x Eye Pads (7.5 x 6)
  • 1 Packet – Gauze Swabs 8 Ply 100s (5cm x 5cm)
  • 5 Pair Latex Gloves
  • 1 Packet – Plastic Strip Band Aid 100s (72 x 19mm)
  • 10 x Safety Pins (#1 – 33mm)
  • 6 x Saline Solution (30ml)
  • 1 x Savlon Cream (30g)
  • 1 x Dettol (100ml)
  • 1 x Thermal Blanket
  • 1 x Thermometer (FLT DISP CS)
  • 4 x Triangular Bandages (110 x 110 x 155)
  • 1 Pair of First Aid Scissors
  • 1 x Tweezer (12.5cm)
  • 2 x Wound Dressing #13 Small
  • 2 x Wound Dressing #14 Medium

Place your order or forward your queries to us on or call us on 331 4133 (ext. 135)

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